Monday, March 14, 2011

Infinite opportunity for research in photonics

Biophotonics provides immense scope for research. Biophotonics is a fusion of photonics, nanotechnology, biotechnology and lasers. A basic idea about activation of biomolecules by light, and the resulting photoinduced processes, is the elementary need in making new probes and drug delivery systems. Moreover, a knowledge of multiphoton processes making use of laser pulses which are ultra short is needed to develop new probes and create new modalities for therapy activated by light.

Some areas of opportunities:

Physical principles of biosensing and imaging
Research in Photoprocesses in bioassemblies and biomolecules.
The study of single-molecule biophysics.
The use of nonlinear optical processes in therapy.

Biomedical Researchers
The study of cellular mechanisms of the action of drug.
Research in toxicity of photo activated materials.
Bio-imaging to find out cellular, and tissue functions.
Optical technique for early detection of cancers.
The study of bio-compatibility of implants.
Dynamic imaging for physiological response drug delivery.

 Clinical studies of side effects.

 Development of optical in vivo probes for infections and cancers.
 The various techniques for tissue welding.
 In vivo optical biopsy.
 In vivo optical mammography.

 Targeted therapy using nanoclinics.
 The use of nanochemistry for probes and nanodevices.
 The study of newer structures for optical activation
 The creation of new fluorescent tags.

Nanotechnologies for targeted detection and activation.
Development of new noninvasive light activation.
Development of optical bio MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical systems).
The integration of new generation lasers, delivery systems, and detectors.
Automation and miniaturization.

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